Ancient Mycenae

Home to Agamemnon the site of Mycenae is one of a kind and a must for anyone remotely interested in ancient history.
Discovered by the archaeologist Heinrich Schliemann in 1874, (also known for discvering Troy), Mycenae is one of the earliest examples of citadel architecture. Mycenae reached its height as the centre of Aegean Civilization circa 1400 BC.

Situated upon a small hill-top the citadel was in an imposing position and almost impossible to penetrate. After an era of being one of the wealthiest and strongest civilizations Mycenae was destroyed by fire around 1100 BC. The Dorians some century later replaced the Mycenaean civilization, but the city never regained its former splendour.

In 468 BCE, Mycenae was finally destroyed by the inhabitants of Argos, never to be rebuilt. Visit the ruined citadel and be taken back in time to its tragic history. In 2004 a new Museum was built displaying some of Schliemanns wonderful finds. The famous, gold death mask of Agamemnon was uncovered by Schliemann which is on display in the National Archaeological museum of Athens.

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